Can Dogs Eat Cheese?

  • 03 Dec 2020
  • 5m read

Yes, dogs can eat cheese in controlled quantities.

There’s something so simple and satisfying about a piece of cheese. It's especially delicious with a glass of wine or melted on toast with some pickle. Because it's one of our favourite things to eat, it might feel tempting to slip your pooch a cube or two.

Each pup is unique, with different preferences, nutritional requirements and health issues. Whether or not your dog enjoys eating cheese is a matter of personal taste; whether or not they can digest it comes down to their digestive health and tolerance of dairy. So if you're wondering whether to cheese or not to cheese, read on to brie enlightened.

Is Cheese Good for Dogs?

Some types of cheese, in small quantities, can provide health benefits for dogs. However, there are many varieties that should be avoided.

So, we know that certain types of cheese are fine in moderation and that some dogs shouldn’t eat any at all, but the world of cheese is vast and varied, and not all types are created equal.

Can Dogs Eat Cottage Cheese?

Yes, dogs can eat cottage cheese in small quantities.

Cottage cheese can be a wholesome addition to your dog's diet. It boasts richness in protein and calcium, essential for maintaining strong muscles and bones. Choosing plain varieties without additives is crucial, ensuring a nutritious treat for your furry friend.

Can Dogs Eat Blue Cheese?

No, dogs should not eat blue cheese.

While blue cheese might be a tempting treat for us, we recommend to avoid feeding it to your dog.

Blue cheeses like Stilton are made with fungus and produce something called roquefortine C. Dogs are highly sensitive to this substance and it can cause all manner of upsets, from diarrhoea to vomiting and – in extreme cases – seizures. It’s best to avoid it completely, but if your pup does snag some and displays any of these symptoms, call your vet ASAP.

Can Dogs Eat Cream Cheese?

Yes, dogs can eat cream cheese in small quantities.

Cream cheese, in moderation, can be a safe option for dogs. Opting for plain, low-fat varieties and being mindful of portion sizes is key. The rich and creamy texture can make it a delicious occasional treat for your dog.

Can Dogs Eat Feta Cheese?

No, dogs should not eat feta cheese.

Feta cheese, with its tangy flavour, may seem appealing, but it should be avoided. Feta typically has an incredibly high fat and salt content, both of which are a big no-no for our pooches.

Can Dogs Eat Cheddar Cheese?

Yes, dogs can eat cheddar cheese in small quantities.

Cheddar cheese is a popular choice among dog owners for sharing a tasty morsel with their pets. Being mindful of the fat content is essential, as excessive fat intake can lead to health issues. Encouraging moderation when offering cheddar cheese aligns with promoting a balanced diet for your dog.

Can Dogs Eat Mozzarella Cheese?

Yes, dogs can eat mozzarella cheese in small quantities.

Mozzarella, known for its mild flavour and stringy texture, can be a safe cheese option for dogs. Being low in lactose and fat, it proves to be a more digestible choice. Appreciating the importance of easy digestion, recommending mozzarella as a suitable treat when provided in small, bite-sized portions.

Can Dogs Eat Parmesan Cheese?

No, dogs should not eat parmesan cheese. 

Parmesan cheese, with its bold and nutty taste, can be a tempting treat. However, due to its incredibly high fat content it should be avoided.

How Much Cheese Can I Give My Dog?

Determining the appropriate amount of cheese for your dog involves considering factors like size, weight, and overall health.

Cheese can be high in fat and calories, so it should be given in moderation. Small amounts, such as a cube or two, can be a tasty treat without contributing to excessive calorie intake.

Why Do Dogs Love Cheese So Much?

The strong aroma and creamy taste of cheese make it irresistible to dogs. Their keen sense of smell is drawn to the distinct fragrance of cheese, aligning with their preferences for tasty treats.

Considerations When Giving Cheese to Dogs

Choose low-fat options

Opt for low-fat cheese varieties to reduce the overall fat content. A gut that's used to a balanced diet can be overwhelmed by the introduction of really fatty food and the results can be, well, explosive... If your dog pinches the Camembert from the buffet, you'll just have to let nature run its course.

Be mindful of lactose intolerance

Some dogs may be lactose intolerant, making it difficult for them to digest dairy products. While their taste buds may say yes, their tummies might not be so keen.

If your dog shows signs of digestive discomfort after eating cheese, such as diarrhoea or gas, they may be lactose intolerant. In such cases, it's best to avoid cheese or opt for lactose-free alternatives.

Avoid seasonings and additives

Plain, unseasoned cheese is the safest option for dogs. Avoid cheeses with added herbs, spices, or other flavourings, as these can sometimes be harmful to dogs.

Consider your dog's health

If your dog has specific health conditions, such as pancreatitis or obesity, you should avoid feeding your dog cheese. 

Cheese in Butternut Box Meals

At Butternut Box, we use cottage cheese in one of our delicious recipes, Ready Steady Veggie.

In controlled quantities, cottage cheese is a beneficial addition to a dog’s diet. Low in fat and high in calcium, cottage cheese is a great alternative protein source for pups that are trying meat-free Monday.