Can Dogs Eat Popcorn?
- 06 Sep 2023
- 3m read

Popcorn can be a delicious treat for humans, but is it safe and beneficial for our dogs to eat? Let's dive into this popcorn conundrum.
Is Popcorn Good for Dogs?
Popcorn is not good for dogs.
It has little to no nutritional benefits and can actually cause throat irritation or even become a choking hazard in dogs.
Can Popcorn Irritate a Dog’s Throat?
Popcorn is a tempting treat that many dogs find hard to resist, but there are potential risks to be aware of. When it comes to a dog's throat and popcorn, there are concerns about kernel shells, unpopped kernels, and the seasoning or butter that often accompanies this snack.
The hulls or kernel shells of popcorn can be problematic. These hard, indigestible pieces can get stuck in a dog's throat, leading to choking or discomfort. While some dogs may be able to handle popcorn without any issues, there's a risk of irritation to the throat and digestive system, so it's best to be cautious.
The added seasoning or butter on popcorn can also be problematic for dogs. Many of these toppings contain ingredients that are unhealthy or even toxic for our pooches.
How Much Popcorn Can I Give My Dog?
If you're determined to share a bit of popcorn with your pup, it's essential to do so in moderation. When it comes to popcorn, a few pieces without any added toppings are generally considered safe. Remember that it should only be an occasional treat rather than a regular part of their diet.
Be mindful of the size and age of your dog. Smaller dogs will need even smaller portions of popcorn, while larger breeds may handle a little more. Additionally, young puppies and senior dogs may have more delicate digestive systems, so it's best to avoid giving them popcorn altogether.
What Should I Do If My Dog Eats Popcorn?
In the event that your dog manages to sneak a few pieces of popcorn or, in a moment of distraction, you accidentally share some with them, there are a few important steps to follow.
Monitor your dog
Keep a close eye on your dog for the next few hours. Look for any signs of discomfort, distress, or choking. If you notice any unusual behaviour, contact your veterinarian immediately.
Check the ingredients
If you know that your dog has consumed popcorn with added seasonings, butter, or other toppings, check the ingredients list for any harmful substances. Some seasonings, like garlic and onions, are toxic to dogs.
Hydrate your dog
Encourage your dog to drink water to help move any popcorn through their digestive system. This can also help prevent any potential dehydration.
Watch for allergic reactions
Keep an eye out for any signs of allergies or sensitivities. Dogs, like humans, can have various reactions to different foods. If your dog exhibits signs of an allergic reaction, such as itching, hives, or gastrointestinal upset, consult your veterinarian.
Contact a vet
If your dog experiences any adverse effects after consuming popcorn or if you suspect that they may have ingested something harmful, don't hesitate to contact your veterinarian. They can provide guidance and take the necessary steps to ensure your dog's well-being.