Can Dogs Eat Tangerines?

  • 30 Apr 2024
  • 3m read
Can Dogs Eat Tangerines?

Yes, dogs can eat tangerines.

Is it OK for Dogs to Eat Tangerines?

It is generally safe for dogs to eat tangerines, in moderation.

Tangerines are not toxic to dogs, and they can enjoy them as an occasional treat. However, it’s important to remove the peel and any seeds before offering them to your pooch.

Are Tangerines Good for Dogs?

Tangerines can be a healthy, beneficial addition to your dogs diet.

These fruits are packed with vitamins like vitamin C, which can boost your pup's immune system.

However, tangerines are high in natural sugars, so it's best to offer them as an occasional treat rather than a regular snack, too many can cause digestive upset and unpleasant poops.

Benefits of Tangerines for Dogs

Tangerines can come with a host of benefits when fed in moderation.

Rich in vitamin c

Tangerines are packed with vitamin c, an essential nutrient for dogs. While dogs can produce their own vitamin c, additional amounts from fruits like tangerines can provide an extra boost.

This powerful antioxidant helps to keep your dog’s immune system strong and ready to fight off infections. It can also help alleviate inflammation, making it beneficial for older dogs or those with joint issues.

High in fibre

Fibre is essential for maintaining a healthy digestive system. Tangerines contain dietary fibre which can aid digestion by regulating your pup's bowel movements, reducing the risk of constipation or diarrhoea.

Additionally, fibre can help your dog feel full, which might be helpful for managing weight.

Hydration and low-calorie treat

Tangerines have a high water content, making them a hydrating snack for your dog, especially during hot weather. They are also relatively low in calories, so they can be a guilt-free treat.

Keeping your dog hydrated supports overall health, and low-calorie treats are a great way to reward your pup without adding too many extra calories to their diet.

Boosts energy levels

The natural sugars in tangerines can provide a quick energy boost for your active pup. This can be especially useful before a play session or a long walk, helping your dog stay energetic and playful.

Supports metabolic functions

The B vitamins present in tangerines are crucial for your dog's metabolism. These vitamins support the breakdown of food into energy and aid in maintaining a healthy metabolism, ensuring your furry friend stays active and healthy.

Can Dogs Eat Tangerine Peel?

No, dogs should not eat tangerine peel.

While the flesh of tangerines is generally safe for dogs in moderation, the peel poses several risks. Tangerine peel is difficult for dogs to digest and can potentially cause gastrointestinal issues such as upset stomach, vomiting, or diarrhoea. Tangerine peels may also contain pesticides or other chemicals that could be harmful to dogs if ingested.

Things to Consider Before Feeding Tangerines to Dogs

Before feeding tangerines to your dog, here are a few things to consider:

Portion control

Tangerines are high in natural sugars, which can lead to weight gain and other health issues if given in large amounts. Offer tangerines as an occasional treat, not a regular snack.

Peel and seeds

Always remove the peel and seeds before giving tangerines to your dog. The peel can be tough to digest and might contain harmful pesticides, while seeds can pose a choking hazard and contain small amounts of toxic compounds.

Allergies and sensitivities

Some dogs might be allergic or sensitive to citrus fruits. Start with a small piece and monitor your dog for any signs of an allergic reaction, such as itching, swelling, or digestive upset.

Digestive upset

Tangerines are acidic and can cause stomach upset or diarrhea in some dogs. If your pup has a sensitive stomach, it's best to avoid citrus fruits altogether.

Diabetic dogs

If your dog has diabetes or any other condition that requires monitoring sugar intake, avoid giving them tangerines due to their high sugar content.

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