Best Food for Dachshund

  • 09 Dec 2019
  • 5m read
Cosmo the Dachshund

They might be pint-sized, but these cuddle-cravers were originally bred as working hunters and their job was to wriggle down holes and flush out prey. That means, like all working dogs, dachshunds have bundles of energy to burn through. Lots of exercise is needed to keep them slender, as dogs this small (especially the miniature variety) don’t cope well with carrying extra weight.

The classic dachshund physique of little legs combined with a long body makes them liable to develop a spine condition called Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD). It's a fairly common complaint in dogs and happens when the spine's shock absorbers – the discs – dehydrate and lose their cushioning capabilities.

Prevention is better than cure, which means keeping your sausage dog svelte (think chipolata rather than bratwurst) with lots of activity and good food. Keeping your furry friend full of beans and ready for fun is no problem with the right dachshund dog food.

Based on our current customers, we estimate that adult Dachshunds need around 338 calories per day. This can vary based on your pooch’s age, weight and activity level. 

How to Pronounce Dachshund

Dachshund is pronounced like ‘daks-hund’.

The name originated from Germany and literally translates to 'badger dog’, Dachs = badger and Hund = hound, as this was once their profession. Now they are considered full-time snoozers and part-time explorers. 

Other aliases that Dachshunds go by include: sausage dog, weiner dog and doxie.

Are Dachshunds Good With Kids? 

Yes, Dachshunds are great family dogs. 

As with any breed, it is important to socialise them from a young age to ensure that they are confident around children. If dogs haven’t had much exposure to children it can be overwhelming for them at first and they may be unsure how to react or behave.

You should also try to discourage children from picking Dachshunds up, this is due to them being prone to back issues. Handling Dachshunds in an incorrect manner can make these problems worse, resulting in pain and discomfort for your precious sausage. 

Do Dachshunds Shed?

Yes, Dachshunds do shed

Regardless of their coat, short-haired, long-haired or wire-haired, Dachshunds are considered moderate-shedders. Wirehaired varieties shed the most due to their double coat. This makes the breed unsuitable for people with allergies.

There are a few things you can do to minimise the effects of shedding from your Dachshund:

• Feed your pooch a high-quality food rich in protein sources and veg

• Maintain a regular brushing schedule, every few days should do the trick

• Hoover regularly

• Train your pooch to stay off the furniture / stay out of certain rooms

• Make lint rollers your best friend - they will change your entire existence

Why Are Dachshunds So Needy?

Given their breeding history, Dachshunds are eager to please. They used to gain approval from their owners in the form of delivering small prey and this need to be praised is a deep-rooted personality trait. They are also a pack-breed and aren’t used to being left alone. Because of this they will thrive in the company of their favourite humans, and other Dachshunds of course.

If you want a 24/7 cuddle companion that loves nothing more than disrespecting your personal space, a Dachshund is the way to go. 

Do Dachshunds Bark A Lot? 

Another characteristic bred into Dachshunds is the ability to bark the house down. This is because they used to bark to alert their owners that they had successfully hunted prey. Fast forward and they’re still known to be quite a yappy breed. Their reasons for barking will usually be as they try to get attention, alert you to potential dangers and express fear. Quite adorable and thoughtful really.

How Much are Dachshunds? 

According to research conducted by Pets4Homes UK as of 2022, the average cost of purchasing a Dachshund is £1,342, with Miniature Dachshunds coming in at a higher price of £1,659. Staying true to their reputation of small and mighty (expensive), but 100% worth it.

First and foremost, you should ensure that you’re buying your pup from a reputable breeder or rescue centre. This will ensure that your dog has been bred and cared for in the right circumstances.

A sound woof of advice from us, if it seems too good to be true it’s likely that it is. A dog is a huge investment in time, money and love, so make sure that you take the time to do plenty of research before making any decisions.

As well as the cost to purchase a Dachshund, it is impawtent to be mindful of the other expenses involved when bringing a pooch into your life:

• Vaccines / Flea and Worming Treatments (first dosage and boosters)

• Neutering / Spaying (usually from 6 months onwards)

• Equipment (collar, harness, lead, bed, bowls, brushes, poo bags, toys)

• Food

• Insurance

• Daycare / Boarding  

Butternut Box is Perfect for Dachshunds

With a pooch that’s small but always on the go, calculating portion size can be tricky for pet parents. That’s why the measured-pouch approach from Butternut Box is ideal for dachshunds. When you sign up, we'll ask you to tell us all about your furry family member – age, weight, activity level, inside leg measurement. That way we can send perfectly portioned meals.

Dachshunds can be prone to allergies, so choose foods that are allergy-friendly or made with natural, unfussy ingredients. Our meals are gently cooked, using tasty meat and veg, lentils & minerals – absolutely no nasties are invited to this party. As we've made our recipes decidedly drool-worthy, even picky eaters will be queuing up at mealtimes.

Small dogs like dachshunds, who like to dash around all day, need the right balance of nourishment and satisfaction. The portions we send you are calculated to have the perfect calorie count for your sausage-shaped friend. As each recipe is complete, there's no need for mixers or biscuits. That means their tummies are full and you can be certain you're giving them just the right amount, no guesswork required.

All of our recipes are cooked as you would at home, using tasty, quality ingredients. So resistance is futile – even for fussy OAP dachshunds.

What would my box look like?