New Puppy Shopping List
- 07 Apr 2021
- 4m read

By Team Butternut Box
Here’s our shopping list of everything you’ll need for your new pup. Did we mention it’s almost as much paraphernalia as a new baby needs?
Like with everything you can find most of these things online nowadays, however for items like the harness and coat you’d be best off going into an actual pet shop or your vets to get these expertly fitted.
Food Bowl: Ceramic or stainless steel bowls are good as they are heavy and won’t skid around the floor so much as plastic ones. Plastic bowls can harbour bacteria when they are cracked or chewed. Stainless steel bowls can sometimes frighten pups, who don’t like the tinny noise or shiny reflection. Depending on the length of your pups ears you may need a special bowl, (one with higher sides), look out Spaniels and other dangly eared pups!
Water bowl: Similar to their food bowl, choose an easy to clean ceramic one, again choose a heavier one that won’t spill over easily. You may also want a mat to go under your pups food and water bowls.
Bed: There are so many to choose from! Get one to suit the size of your pup, large enough so that they can spread eagle comfortably. And don’t go for the most expensive one out there to start with as young pups love to chew. You may want a couple of pads or beds, for different rooms, one with sides and one that’s flat.
Puppy crate or playpen: These are handy to help train your pup to be separated from you and have somewhere to retreat to for some peace and quiet.
Food: A supply of the food the breeder used (enough for a week). You’ll also need a supply of the puppy diet you want your pup to move on to.
Collar: All dogs need to wear a collar (with a tag with your details on) when they are out and about in a public space. Choose a nice soft puppy one and get them used to wearing it for very short periods to start with (they may not like it!)
Harness: This is usually a much wiser choice than a collar for attaching the lead – so that you won’t end up dragging your pup around by the neck (ouch). Get the harness fitted properly – ask at the vets or pet shop.
Lead: Get a regular one rather than an extendable one to start with.
Toys: These aren’t just an indulgence, they are an important part of your pup’s toolkit and will hopefully spare a few of your shoes and socks (yes, we’re talking to you Labradors!) Get puppy size toys and have a good look at them first to check that they are safe and suitable. Chew toys and pull/ tuggy toys are good.
Poo bags: You need to have some of these on you at all times! Get biodegradable ones, (we’ve got some ace ones here at Butternut Box, just order along with your food).
A pet carrier/ box for the car for the first journey home: A safer alternative to having your pup loose on your lap is to get a puppy carrier or use a small crate. You could also use a regular cardboard box, strapped in with a seatbelt, but beware leaks if your pup has an accident (hence a carrier being preferable).
Towels: Unless you want to end up using yours for muddy paws then you’ll need some dedicated pup towels. You can get special doggy ones that are extra absorbant ones, (check out, to wrap your dog up in post walk, before they get into the car.
Brush: This should be an essential for any long-haired pup or poodle mix. Choose a small, soft one.
Toothbrush: Getting your new pup used to having their teeth brushed from an early stage is great. Choose a very soft puppy brush or a finger brush and get some dog toothpaste that’s got a suitable flavour for them and contains enzymes to break down the food that sticks to their teeth.
The useful extras:
High Visibility lead/ harness: For walks after dark.
Storage bin for dry food: This will keep any pests out and keep the kibble fresher.
Book about puppies: It will definitely pay to read up on your new charge. Get as many tips on puppy care as you can, this will make your adjustment much easier. Get as many tips on puppy care as you can, this will make your adjustment much easier. Try New Dog by wonder vet Dr Bruce Fogel or Easy Peasey Puppy Squeezy by dog trainer extraordinaire Steve Mann.
Dog shampoo: You shouldn’t use human shampoo on your pup and depending on how muddy they get it may not be long before you need to give your pup their first bath!
Seatbelt/crate for car: You may decide that this is the best way for your growing pup to travel in the car. Alternatively, a secure crate in the boot.
Travelling water bottle/drinker: These are specially designed bottles with a drinker attached so that you can easily offer your pup a drink when you’re out and about.
A coat: Some small, delicate pups will need a coat if they’re going out in the cold.
The Full Monty:
Video camera to watch pup when out
GPS tracker
A Paw Cleaner