Puppy Training Classes: How Important Are They?

  • 08 Apr 2021
  • 2m read

By Team Butternut Box


It’s really important for puppies to get some basic training in how to sit and stay, walk on a lead and generally be able to get along with other dogs. By going to a puppy class you’ll be able to tick quite a lot of these boxes.

There are lots of different classes around, so you’ll hopefully be able to find one that’s nearby. When choosing a class make sure that they are using positive training methods (praise, treats and play), and that the class is calm and ordered. Ask around; other pup owners at the park, the breeder and your vets are all mines of information.

Your pup will need to have finished their vaccinations before starting classes and for the most popular places it’s not uncommon to have to join a waiting list – so get sorted as soon as you can.

Also look out for classes that offer a progression, so that you and your pup can aspire to higher levels of training if you’re both enjoying it. It’s a fact that the better trained your pup becomes the more rewarding you’ll find your relationship as you’ll be able to (almost) literally take them anywhere. Being well trained and learning to do what they’re told will also be rewarding for your pup and give them a sense of purpose.

It’s preferable to find a puppy school that offers small class sizes, as that way your pup will be less likely to be overwhelmed and also, you’ll get more one to one attention. It’s usual for pups to be separated from adult dogs – they’ll be different classes for each age group.

Puppy School teachers should have appropriate training such as with the Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT) or the Institute for Modern Dog Training (IMDT). Go along and watch classes before you sign up and make sure that you’re happy that pups and pet parents look like they are enjoying themselves – as well as learning some manners!

If you feel that your pup has any problems that can’t be addressed in a puppy class or if you are in any way worried about their behaviour then your best port of call is to get a referral to see an experienced clinical animal behaviourist, a member of the APBC.