Puppy sitting on lap

How Much Should My Puppy Weigh?

Read time: 5 mins

30 Aug 2023

Written by our very own Butternut Box resident vet, Dr Bolu Eso

So you’ve welcomed a new furry bundle of joy into the family. Becoming a puppy parent is incredibly joyous (of course, we’re biased) but it comes with some challenges too. 

One of the most frequent concerns about raising a puppy is their weight and development. It can be difficult to understand whether or not your puppy is growing at a normal rate for their age and breed. Thankfully, Dr Bolu is here to help. 

From using the correct scales and perfecting the weighing technique, to understanding how much you should be feeding your puppy, we’ve got you covered.

How to Weigh Your Puppy

Is your pup the same weight as a bag of sugar or a bag of potatoes? Time to find out…

Step 1

Ensure that you have a scale suitable for weighing small animals. You can use a baby scale or a kitchen scale with a high degree of accuracy. Just make sure you finish baking before you start…

Step 2

Weigh your puppy at the same time each day, preferably in the morning after they've had their morning bathroom break.

Step 3

If your puppy is too wiggly, you can place them in a box or a container on the scale and subtract the container's weight from the total.

Step 4

If your puppy isn't comfortable in a container, gently hold them in your arms while standing on a normal human weighing scale and subtract your weight from the total. This method may be less reliable if your puppy is smaller and lighter, as the scales may not pick up their weight accurately. So it's worth sticking at it with the container method.

Step 5

Finally record the weight in a diary or your phone, so that you can track your pup's progress over time.

Using a Puppy Weight Calculator

Another helpful tool in monitoring your pup's pounds is a puppy weight calculator. These calculators provide a general guideline based on breed, age and size. They can also predict how big your pup will get.

However, all dogs are different and growth rates can depend on breed and other factors. 

Growth Rates of Different Breeds

Smaller breeds tend to reach their full size earlier than larger breeds. Puppies also grow rapidly during the first few months and their growth rate decreases as they get older.

It's also worth bearing in mind that there can be a wide range of sizes within breeds.

What Weight Should My Puppy Be?

The ideal weight for your puppy depends on their age, breed and individual factors. You should consult with your vet to determine what's right for your specific pup. But here are some rough estimates.

Between 2-4 months, puppies typically double their birth weight.

Smaller breeds may reach their full size by 9 months, while larger breeds might continue growing up to 12-18 months. After 4 to 6 months, most puppies will have reached about 50-75% of their estimated adult weight. Between 6-12 months. 

Continue monitoring your puppy's weight during this period. They should be steadily gaining, but at a slower rate than during the first few months. To ensure your puppy is on the right track. Consult your vet  who can assess your puppy's weight and overall health.

How Much Weight Should My Puppy Be Gaining Per Week?

Puppy growth varies from week to week. When it comes to weight gain it's essential to maintain a steady and healthy pace. Here's a general guideline for healthy puppy weight gain per week.

On average, puppies gain around 5-10% of their body weight per week during this period, just like some of us might do at Christmas…

As he rate of weight gain begins to slow down, puppies might gain 2-5% of their body weight per week. Beyond the 6 month mark weight gain might continue at a slower pace roughly 1-2% per week.

These are just average figures. Individual puppies might experience slightly different growth rates. So it's crucial to focus on overall health and wellbeing rather than the numbers on the scale,

How Much Should I Feed My Puppy?

When it comes to feeding your puppy, it's vital to consider their weight in kilograms. A puppy's nutritional needs can change as they grow. Here's a general guideline on how much to feed your puppy based on their weight.

At this age, puppies should be fed 4-6% of their body weight daily. For example, if your puppy weighs 4 kg, they should consume 160 to 240 grams of food per day.

As they get older, the daily feeding percentage can decrease slightly to 3-5% of their body weight.

And as your puppy nears adulthood, you can adjust their diet to 2-4% of their body weight per day.

Remember, these are just rough estimates. Each puppy is unique and factors like activity level, metabolism and individual growth patterns can affect their dietary needs. To determine the exact amount to feed your puppy, consult with your vet. Or, consider the specific recommendations provided on your chosen puppy food packaging.

Butternut Box Fresh Dog Food is Perfect for Puppies

Butternut Box fresh dog food contains all of the essential nutrients that your puppy needs to grow and thrive. When you sign up, we will ask you a few important questions about your dog, including their breed, weight, age and activity level. Our super clever algorithm uses this information to calculate exactly how much food your dog needs per day.

As your puppy grows, you can easily make adjustments to your plan to reflect their changing size. We have over 10 recipe options too, so it’s great for even the fussiest of pups.

Butternut Box customers also have access to our team of dedicated Vet Nurses who are on hand to answer any questions that you may have regarding your puppy.

If you're still worried about your pups progress, then contact your vet for further advice.