Lemon the dog

Why Do Dogs Get Zoomies?

Read time: 3 mins

15 Aug 2023

If you're a pooch parent, you've likely witnessed the phenomenon known as "zoomies" – those sudden bursts of energy when your four-legged friend darts around the house or garden in a frenzy. While it might leave you scratching your head, there's more to these spontaneous episodes than meets the eye. 

In this article, we delve into the reasons behind dog zoomies, their implications for your furry companion's well-being, and how to manage them when they occur.

What Triggers Dog Zoomies?

Dog zoomies, also referred to as the "Frenetic Random Activity Periods" (FRAPs), can be triggered by a variety of factors. 

One common trigger is excess energy. Dogs are naturally active creatures, and if they've been cooped up for a while, they may release their pent-up energy through these frenzied bursts. 

Playful interactions, especially with other dogs or humans, can also induce zoomies. The sudden onset of zoomies often leaves dogs chasing their tails, leaping over furniture, and dashing around in circles.

Are Zoomies Good or Bad For a Dog?

Zoomies are generally considered a normal behaviour for dogs, particularly for young puppies and adolescent dogs. 

However, it's essential to ensure that the environment is safe for your dog during these episodes, as they might knock over objects or collide with furniture.

Are Zoomies a Sign of a Happy Dog?

Yes, in most cases, zoomies are an indicator of a happy dog.

When a dog is experiencing joy or excitement, their body language is fluid and relaxed, with an extra wiggle in their step.

Zoomies often accompany these signs, demonstrating that your pup is in a positive state of mind. It's important to note that not all zoomies are caused by happiness; sometimes, dogs might experience them due to other factors, as we'll explore in the next sections.

Do Zoomies Mean Dogs Are Bored?

Contrary to the assumption that zoomies are solely linked to boredom, they can also stem from an excess of excitement or sensory overload. 

Boredom-induced zoomies might be seen in situations where a dog isn't mentally stimulated or engaged. 

To prevent boredom-induced zoomies, provide your dog with regular exercise, playtime, and mental enrichment activities like puzzle toys and fun training sessions.

Why Do Dogs Get Zoomies After a Bath?

Bath time can be overwhelming for some dogs due to the unfamiliar sensations of water and being handled.

Once the bath is over, the dog might react by dashing around to release tension. To minimise this reaction, ensure that bath time is as positive and gentle as possible, and follow it up with a rewarding play session.

How Do You Calm a Dog With Zoomies?

Managing a dog in the midst of a zoomies episode might seem challenging, but there are strategies you can employ to help your furry friend calm down:

Provide a safe space

Ensure the area is clear of obstacles that your dog might collide with during their zoomies. This minimises the risk of accidents and keeps them safe.

Redirect attention

Engage your dog with a favourite toy or treat. Redirecting their focus can help shift their energy away from zooming around the house.

Engage in calming activities

Slow and deliberate activities, such as offering a licky mat with their favourite treat spread on, can help soothe your dog's frenetic energy and bring them back to a calmer state.

Practise regular exercise

Providing your dog with consistent exercise and mental stimulation can reduce the frequency of zoomies. Regular walks, playtime, and puzzle-solving activities can help expend their energy.