Behaviour & Training

Dog yawning

Behaviour & Training

Why Do Dogs Yawn?

Like us, dogs man yawn because they're tired. However, they may also yawn due to stress or as a means of expressing comfort and contentment.

Timmy the dog tilting his head

Behaviour & Training

Why Do Dogs Tilt Their Heads?

Usually when dogs tilt their head it's their way of communicating with you and expressing curiosity, which explains why it happens when you say walkies.

Barley the dog

Behaviour & Training

Why Do Dogs Bark?

There are a number of reasons why dogs may bark, such as to gain attention, protect their territory or fear.

Tarka lying down

Behaviour & Training

Why Do Dogs Circle Before Lying Down?

Have you noticed that your dog likes to perform a strange circling ritual before they lie down? This is due to ingrained instincts to nest and mark territory.

Lemon the dog

Behaviour & Training

Why Do Dogs Pant?

Dogs may pant for a number of reasons: cooling themselves down, expressing excitement or even due to stress and anxiety.

Why Do Dogs Sleep So Much?

Behaviour & Training

Why Do Dogs Sleep So Much?

It's normal for adult dogs to sleep for the majority of the day, usually between 12-14 hours. Sleep is essential for their vitality, growth and development.

Hope the dog

Behaviour & Training

Why Do Dogs Chase Their Tails?

Dogs chasing their tail can be hilarious, but why do they do it? It's completely normal and occurs due to ancient instinct, breed traits and sensory stimulation.

Lemon the dog

Behaviour & Training

Why Do Dogs Get Zoomies?

Dogs usually get the zoomies as a result of playful interactions, but they can also occur due to excess energy or as a way of releasing tension.

Lemon the dog howling

Behaviour & Training

Why Do Dogs Howl?

Dogs may howl due to a number of reasons, such as separation anxiety, environmental stimulation, discomfort, anxiety and illness.

Dog rolling in poop

Behaviour & Training

Why Do Dogs Roll In Poop?

Dogs roll in poop for lots of reasons, such as ancient instincts, social bonding or claiming territory. Thankfully, this behaviour can be discouraged.

Norman the dog

Behaviour & Training

Why Do Dogs Stare At You?

Dogs may stare at you for a number of reasons. The most common reason is that they're trying to get your attention for some much-needed love and attention.

Meera Puppins dog trainer

Behaviour & Training

How to Become a Dog Trainer

Butternut Box Ambassador Meera, founder of Meera Puppins, shares her expertise on how to become a dog trainer. Including the training required, pros, cons and costs.

Behaviour & Training

Why Do Dogs Wag Their Tails?

In dogs, tail wagging can have different meanings depending on the speed, position and direction. It is one of many ways that dogs communicate their feelings.

Behaviour & Training

Separation anxiety in dogs

Dogs are pretty smart and often they just don't like being left alone. Here's a quick run through of how separation anxiety can affect your four-legged friends.

Behaviour & Training

Introducing a new dog to the pack

So, you’ve decided that one dog just isn’t enough. Well, we can’t blame you really. However, you may have some concerns regarding your current dog and how they may react to this new arrival.

Behaviour & Training

Can You Train an Old Dog?

A guide to training an adult pooch.

Behaviour & Training

Can Dogs Read Facial Expressions?

Although not their own primary method of communications, research is suggesting that our dogs are learning to read our facial expressions.

Behaviour & Training

Can my cross breed dog take part in shows?

Why let pedigrees have all the fun?! Everything you need to know about taking your mixed breed pooch to a Companion Dog Show