Dogs typically pick up ticks when exploring outside. Ticks can transmit a variety of diseases, such as Lyme disease, so it's crucial to take prevention methods.
Fleas can turn a pup's life into an itchy nightmare. We're here to offer some advice on how to prevent and treat these pesky parasites.
Having a basic understanding of pet first aid can be vital to keep your dog safe and healthy. Read our guide to find out more.
Have you ever paused to wonder why your dog's nose always seems to be a bit damp? Is this a sign of a healthy dog? If so, what does a dry nose mean?
Watery eyes in dogs can be totally normal and often results due to environmental factors. However, if there is also redness and swelling it's best to see a vet.
Yes, dogs can conjunctivitis. It's best to take your dog to the vets if you suspect conjunctivitis, you can also apply a warm compress to alleviate discomfort.
Yes, dogs can get stung by nettles. They may experience similar side effects to nettle stings as humans, such as: irritation, discomfort, hives and redness.
Yes, dogs can get sunburn. You should take preventative measures to avoid this, such as applying special doggy suncream or keeping them indoors in shaded areas.
Yes, dogs can get get depressed. Thankfully, there are things you can do to help. Signs of doggy depression include: withdrawal, lack of appetite and lethargy.
Yes, dogs can get headaches. Signs of a pooch migraine are behavioural changes, reduced appetite, pawing at the head and restlessness.
Yes, dogs can get a cold. Symptoms of a cold in dogs include sneezing, coughing and a runny nose. A dog cold will usually go away on its own with time.
Yes, dogs can get hayfever. Sneezing, itchy skin and wheezing can be signs of doggy hayfever. If you're concerned, a vet can prescribe your pooch medication.
Yes, dogs can get dandruff. Doggy dandruff can be resolved with medicated shampoos, a diet rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and regular grooming.
Yes, dogs can get skin tags and it is completely normal. However, we would recommend getting them checked by a vet to ensure that they are benign.
Dewclaws are a strange but important feature that every pup has. But, what is there function and how can you best care for your dog's dewclaws.
It is incredibly unlikely that dogs would get chicken pox. The virus is adapted to infect humans, and it has limited potential to infect other species.
Yes, dogs can get Lyme disease from ticks. It is curable but you should seek help from a vet as soon as you suspect that your dog may have Lyme disease.
No, dogs cannot become pregnant when not in heat. The heat cycle is the only period during which a female dog becomes fertile and can conceive offspring.
Yes, dogs can get norovirus. However, it's extremely rare for transmission to happen from humans to dogs, and vice versa.
Yes, dogs can get bird flu. There are things you can do to minimise their risk of contracting it. If you suspect that they've become infected, consult your vet.
Yes, dogs can get hiccups. Similarly to humans, they usually occur due to eating too quickly, excitement, stress or gastrointestinal issues.
Yes, dogs can get asthma. If you suspect that your dog is showing symptoms, you should consult your vet immediately. Do not give them a human inhaler.
From stress and anxiety, to fussiness and health issues. There's various reasons why your dog may not be eating. It's important to find the cause quickly.
Yes, conkers are poisonous to dogs. Even small quantities can be fatal, so be sure to consult your vet if you think your dog may have eaten conkers.
Yes, acorns can be poisonous to dogs. If your dog has eaten an acorn, we recommend getting in touch with your vet for advice.