Best Dog Food for Yeast Infections

  • 08 Aug 2023
  • 6m read
Butternut Box fresh dog food meal variety

Yeast infections are a common problem for dogs and can be uncomfortable and difficult to treat. In this article, we’ll take a look at the symptoms, causes and treatments for yeast infections in dogs, as well as the best food for dogs with yeast infections. We’ll also explain why Butternut Box is the perfect food for dogs with yeast infections.

Symptoms of Yeast Infections in Dogs

Yeast infections in dogs can cause a wide range of symptoms that may not always be immediately recognisable. It is important to know what signs and symptoms to look out for in order to properly diagnose and treat a yeast infection in your pup. Common symptoms of yeast infections include:

Itchiness and redness

Itchiness is often one of the first signs of a yeast infection in dogs. Your pup may start excessively scratching or licking at their paws or other areas on their body. The affected area can become red and inflamed as your dog continues to scratch. 


Swelling may also occur due to inflammation caused by continuous scratching. Excessive scratching can lead to hair loss around the affected area, as well as thickened skin in some cases.

Foul smell

Another common symptom of a yeast infection is a foul odour coming from either the skin or ears of your pup. This smell typically has an acidic quality that is similar to cheese popcorn or a vinegar-like smell. 

Flaky skin

Flaky skin may also be present near any areas where there is itchiness due to excessive scratching leading to dryness and irritation. 

Greasy fur

Greasy fur can occur if your dog's fur becomes overly oily due to its attempt at self-soothing through natural oils secreted by their glands near the site of itching. 

Darkening of the skin

Lastly, you may notice darkening of the skin in more severe cases, which could indicate a deeper infection requiring medical attention right away.

What Causes Yeast Infections in Dogs?

A number of factors, including poor hygiene, allergies, and a weakened immune system can cause yeast infections in dogs. Yeast is found naturally on the skin and in the gastrointestinal tract, but when it starts to overgrow due to any of these causes, it can lead to an infection.

Yeast imbalance

The most common type of yeast infection in dogs is called Malassezia dermatitis, which occurs when the natural balance of yeast on the skin has been disturbed. This imbalance can cause redness, itching, and flaking of the skin.

Poor hygiene

Poor hygiene is one of the main causes of yeast infections in dogs, as dirt and debris left on their fur can provide an ideal breeding ground for yeast cells to grow. Dogs with long hair are particularly prone to developing this type of infection, due to their difficulty keeping their coats clean. Ensure to regularly wash your dog, especially if they have gone for walks in dirty areas.


Allergies may also play a role in causing yeast infections in dogs; certain environmental allergens such as pollen or mould spores can cause inflammation and disrupt the natural balance of bacteria on your dog’s skin.

Weak immune system

A weakened immune system may make your dog more susceptible to developing a yeast infection as well; if your pet has recently been diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder or undergone chemotherapy treatment for cancer, then they may be at higher risk for developing this condition.

It is important that owners take special care when looking after their pet's health by regularly grooming them and providing them with proper nutrition so that they can stay healthy and prevent any potential issues like a yeast infection from occurring.

How to Treat Yeast Infections in Dogs

When it comes to treating yeast infections in dogs, owners should take a two-pronged approach. The first step is to treat the infection itself, and the second step is to help prevent future infections.

Treating yeast Infections in dogs' paws

For treating infections on your dog’s paws, the best method is to use an anti-fungal cream or shampoo that contains miconazole or clotrimazole. To apply, massage the cream into your dog’s paws twice a day for at least one week or until the infection clears up. It's important to make sure you are using a product specifically made for dogs as some creams and shampoos meant for humans can be too harsh and can cause skin irritation.

Treating yeast Infections in dogs' ears

Treating yeast infections in dogs' ears requires special care as well. Owners should look for signs of infection such as redness, inflammation, and/or discharge from the ear canal. If these symptoms are present, then an anti-fungal ointment or cream should be applied directly to the infected area twice a day until all symptoms have cleared up. Additionally, cleaning out any debris from your pet's ears with a cotton swab dipped in warm water can help reduce irritation and inflammation caused by yeast buildup in the ear canal.

What to Feed Dogs with Yeast Infections

When it comes to choosing the best food for dogs with yeast infections, there are some important factors to consider. First, it is important to feed your dog a diet that is low in carbohydrates and sugar, as these can contribute to an overgrowth of yeast. Second, feed your dog a diet that is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can help reduce inflammation associated with yeast infections.

Thirdly, look for foods that are high in probiotics, which can help balance out the microorganisms in your pet’s digestive system and help prevent future yeast infections. Finally, opt for natural ingredients whenever possible and avoid foods with artificial preservatives or colours.

One of the most popular diets for dogs with yeast infections is a grain-free diet. Grain-free diets are often lower in carbohydrates and higher in protein than traditional kibble diets and provide essential nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, probiotics, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Additionally, grain-free diets typically do not contain any artificial additives or preservatives that could further irritate a yeast infection. 

Why Butternut Box is Perfect for Dogs with Yeast Infections

Firstly, all Butternut Box meals are tailored to the individual needs of each dog. Customers can create a profile for their pup and select from a variety of ingredients to create the perfect meal plan for their pet. This ensures that all meals are tailored to the specific needs of the dog, including any dietary restrictions or allergies they may have.

Secondly, all Butternut Box meals are made using only natural ingredients and no artificial preservatives or fillers. This helps to reduce inflammation in the gut which can be caused by certain foods and can exacerbate yeast infections. Additionally, most recipes contain omega-3 fatty acids which have anti-inflammatory properties and help to improve skin health and immunity.

Finally, every recipe is designed with probiotics in mind. Probiotics help restore balance to the gut microbiome, which is essential for fighting off infections like yeast overgrowth. They also promote digestion and absorption of vital nutrients which helps keep your pup healthy overall.