Can Dogs Eat Eggs?

  • 10 Jul 2023
  • 7m read
Dog eating eggs

Yes, dogs can eat eggs in controlled quantities

Are Eggs Good for Dogs?

Yes, eggs are good for dogs.

As we’re sure you’re aware, dogs are increasingly curious about human foods and eggs are no exception, cue the irresistible eyes. Luckily, they can safely tuck in too.

Benefits of Eggs for Dogs

So, we know that eggs are safe for dogs to eat, but what are some of the health benefits that they can get from eating them?

Rich source of protein

An average sized egg contains around 7 grams of protein. That sure does pack a punch considering it’s small size. Most of the protein in eggs can be found in the white part, whilst the yolks contain healthy fats. 

Egg-cellent source of fat

Puns aside, eggs are full of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, aka the good kind. These fats can help to decrease inflammation and improve cholesterol levels.

Vitamin D-elightful

Whilst we would love to be able to get all of our required vitamin D levels from the sun, the reality is that we need other sources to help us out. This is the UK after all. Alongside things like salmon and mackerel, eggs are a great source of vitamin D.

Supports brain and eye function

Eggs contain choline, which is an essential nutrient for brain development and function. They are also rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, both of which help to maintain good vision and protect against age-related macular degeneration in dogs. 

Can Dogs Eat Scrambled Eggs?

Yes, dogs can eat scrambled eggs.

However, you should avoid adding any additional flavourings to the scrambled eggs, including butter, oils or salt. You can add a small amount of milk to loosen the mixture, but apart from that nothing else should be added.

Can Dogs Eat Fried Eggs?

Yes, dogs can eat fried eggs, so long as they are dry-fried.

That means frying eggs without the use of butter, oils, salt, pepper or anything other seasonings. These can actually be toxic to dogs so should not be involved in the cooking process.

Can Dogs Eat Boiled Eggs?

Yes, dogs can eat boiled eggs.

Boiled is probably the best way you can serve your dog eggs. It has been cooked thoroughly enough to eliminate any harmful bacteria but they still remain soft enough to chew and digest easily.

Can Dogs Eat Raw Eggs?

No, dogs should not eat raw eggs.

Regardless of what the athletes may be saying, raw eggs can pose a serious health risk to dogs and humans alike, due to the potential presence of harmful bacteria such as E.coli or Salmonella.

Can Dogs Eat Egg Shells?

No, dogs should not eat egg shells.

Apart from the fact that eggshells can harbour harmful bacteria, they are also incredibly sharp and can cause injuries to your dog's digestive tract. They should be discarded and placed out of reach. 

Can Dogs Eat Omelette?

Yes, dogs can eat omelettes, as long as no oil, butter or seasoning is used in the cooking process.

That doesn’t mean it has to be a boring omelette though.

We recommend dry-frying the omelette in a non-stick pan and adding flavour by including small chunks of vegetables, such as spinach or pepper, and perhaps even some cooked, thinly-sliced salmon or chicken. 

How Much Egg Should I Feed My Dogs?

The exact amount of egg you should feed your dog really depends on their size, overall health and activity level. 

We would recommend feeding smaller dogs no more than ¼ of a boiled egg per day, whilst larger dogs can have up to 1.5 eggs per day. If you’re unsure on the suitability of eggs for your dog or the appropriate portion sizes, be sure to consult your vet before feeding.

Things to Consider Before Feeding Eggs to Dogs

There are some things that you should be aware of before feeding your dog eggs. Certain lifestyle factors may mean that eggs are unsuitable for them to eat.

Dogs with pancreatitis, for example, have to be careful. The yolk in eggs is high in fat and although this is the good kind of fat, it can be really difficult for their bodies to digest. If your dog has pancreatitis we would recommend removing the egg yolk and sticking to the white part only, or avoid feeding them eggs all together.

It’s also important to be mindful that too many eggs can cause high cholesterol levels, so keep portion sizes to the recommended amount.

Always make sure that eggs have fully cooled before giving them to your dog. Chances are, they aren’t going to wait around for them to cool down and could end up burning their mouths. 

Do Eggs Help Dogs Itchy Skin

Yes, eggs can help alleviate itchy skin in dogs.

The high levels of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids in eggs can help to nourish skin and promote a shiny coat which, in turn, will reduce dryness and itchiness. 

However, some dogs can have an intolerance to eggs so it’s important to make sure that you start off by feeding them a small amount of egg and monitor their reaction.

If symptoms of itchy skin persist, you should consult your vet to ensure that there are no underlying health conditions which may be causing it. 

Eggs in Butternut Box Meals

At Butternut Box, we include eggs in our veggie meal Ready Steady Veggie as an alternative protein and fat source to meat.

We only use the best-quality ingredients in our meals. As well as 60% human-quality meat, vegetables form the basis for our recipes, alongside things like lentils and pearl barley. Because we believe dogs deserve better

You don’t have to worry about guesswork either, we use the perfect balance of ingredients in our meals to ensure that they are nutritionally-complete, providing your dog with all the nutrients that they need to thrive.

At sign up, we will ask you a few questions about your dog, such as their breed, age and activity level. This will help us to calculate exactly how many calories they need, as well as the flavours that would best suit their preferences and lifestyle. Click the Build Your Box button below to get an exact price and plan.

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