Butternut Box fresh dog food meal variety Butternut Box fresh dog food meal variety

Best Dog Food for Anal Gland Issues

Read time: 8 mins

08 Aug 2023

Anal gland issues in dogs can cause a range of uncomfortable symptoms and, if left untreated, even serious health problems. To help pet owners identify and treat anal gland problems in their fur-babies, this article provides an overview of the symptoms, causes, dietary considerations, and potential treatments. 

We'll also explain why Butternut Box is the perfect solution for dogs with anal gland issues. So if you're looking for a tailored food to reduce the risk of future problems and keep your pup happy and healthy, click the Build Your Box button today.

Symptoms of Blocked Anal Glands in Dogs

Anal gland issues in dogs can be uncomfortable and even painful for your pet. Being able to recognize the symptoms of blocked anal glands is key to getting your pup the right treatment and preventing future problems.

One common symptom of blocked anal glands in dogs is when they drag their bottom along the ground. This behaviour could indicate a build-up of fluid in the glands, causing them to become full and uncomfortable. Another indication of anal gland blockage is when your dog scoots his bottom along the floor as a way to relieve pressure or discomfort.

In addition to physical manifestations, you may also notice behavioural changes if your pup has blocked anal glands. Your dog may show signs of discomfort by licking or biting at his bottom, which could be due to pain caused by the swelling inside his body. You may also notice a foul odour coming from your dog's rear-end, as well as a dark discharge that can range from brownish-blue to black in colour.

If your dog's anal gland becomes impacted, you may see swelling near the rectum area which can cause difficulty passing stools or defecating normally. In some cases, blockages can lead to serious health issues such as abscesses or infections that require medical attention from a veterinarian.

It’s important to understand these symptoms so that you can take action and treat any anal gland issues with an appropriate diet and lifestyle changes - starting with Butternut Box.

Why Do Dogs Anal Glands Fill Up?

Anal glands, or anal sacs, are located on either side of a dog's anus and contain an odorous fluid used for scent-marking. When this fluid isn't regularly expressed it can build up in the gland causing blockage leading to inflammation, infection and pain. If left untreated, an abscess or rupture can occur which is why it is important to consult a veterinarian if any of these symptoms present themselves with your pet.

The dietary choices you make for your pup can also have a profound effect when it comes to anal gland issues. A diet low in fibre may lead to constipation which further contributes to blockages in the glands. Butternut Box’s tailored meals offer the perfect balance between nutrition and taste that will help provide your pup with the necessary amount of fibre needed each day without compromising on quality or flavour. This could prevent future problems from occurring or reduce existing ones quickly and effectively.

In summary, dogs' anal glands naturally fill up with an odorous scent-marking fluid that should be regularly expressed in order to prevent blockage leading to complications such as inflammation and infection. Dietary changes may also need to be implemented such as switching to a higher fibre diet like those provided by Butternut Box tailored meals designed specifically for their breed size and age group that still provide optimal nutrition without compromising on taste or quality.

Can Food Cause Anal Gland Issues in Dogs?

It is true that certain foods can contribute to anal gland issues in dogs. High-fat diets and artificial preservatives have been linked to these issues, as they can be difficult for a dog’s digestive system to process. Furthermore, these types of diets are often lacking in the necessary fibre that helps support healthy digestion.

The good news is that a high-fibre diet can help reduce the risk of anal gland issues by supporting healthy digestion and helping stools maintain their shape, which helps push out the material from the anal glands when your pup goes to the bathroom. Fibre also helps stimulate intestinal contractions that move food through the digestive tract more quickly, reducing constipation and other common issues. In addition to fibre-rich ingredients like green beans and carrots, a variety of proteins and vegetables should be included in your dog's diet for optimal health.

Some pet owners may choose to switch their pup to a grain-free diet due to allergies or because they believe it is healthier for their pup. However, there is some evidence suggesting that grain-free diets may not be beneficial for all dogs, so you should always consult with your vet before making any major dietary changes.

Another great way to ensure your pup gets all the nutrients he needs while avoiding unhealthy additives is by feeding him fresh, whole ingredients whenever possible.

How to Treat Blocked Anal Glands in Dogs

Managing anal gland issues in dogs can be a challenging endeavour. To ensure your pup's comfort and well-being, it is important to take a multifaceted approach that involves dietary changes as well as manual expression of the glands when necessary. 

A diet rich in fibre and quality proteins like lean meats and complex carbohydrates such as sweet potatoes and oats can help keep stools firm so that the anal glands are emptied naturally during defecation. Additionally, look for natural ingredients without artificial preservatives or additives which can contribute to digestive problems including anal gland issues. 

Manual expression should only be done by trained professionals such as veterinarians or groomers who have experience with this procedure. If left untreated infections can become serious so it is important to seek medical attention if you notice your dog exhibiting signs of discomfort or if there is an unpleasant odour coming from their bottom area. 

In severe cases where blockages recur frequently or abscesses form due to blocked glands, surgery may be recommended by your veterinarian as a last resort measure. 

Butternut Box offers tailored dog food that helps reduce the risk of anal gland issues through its formula designed specifically for gut health - providing an ideal balance between nutrition and taste without compromising on quality or flavour. With the right treatment plan and dietary considerations you can help your dog maintain healthy anal glands - giving them more comfort when using the bathroom!

What to Feed Dogs with Anal Gland Issues

Dogs with anal gland issues require a diet that is rich in fibre, prebiotics, probiotics, omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants. All of these nutrients are essential for maintaining good gut health and reducing the risk of further anal gland problems. High-fibre diets help to keep stools firm and reduce the likelihood of impacted glands. When choosing what to feed your pup, opt for natural ingredients such as fresh vegetables, lean meats, eggs, and low-fat dairy products whenever possible.

It is also important to avoid foods that contain added sugar, salt or artificial colourings as these can further irritate the anal area. A diet free from these unhealthy additives can make a world of difference to your pup's digestive system and overall wellbeing. Additionally, feeding your pup fresh dog food like Butternut Box’s tailored meals can provide them with an even balance between nutrition and flavour.

Why Butternut Box is Perfect for Dogs with Anal Gland Issues

Butternut Box uses only 100% human grade ingredients sourced from trusted suppliers around Europe. Each meal is designed for optimal gut health—the recipes are rich in protein, fibre and low glycemic carbohydrates which can help reduce the risk of anal gland issues in dogs while still providing nourishing meals that taste delicious. Plus their tailored meals come in individual portion sizes according to each pup’s age, breed size and activity level so you know they’re getting exactly what they need every day.

By following these dietary guidelines and switching to a high-fibre diet filled with nutrient-rich whole foods like those found at Butternut Box you can help ensure your pup has optimal gut health - reducing the risk or severity of anal gland issues now and into the future.

For those looking to care for their canine companion's anal gland issues, Butternut Box offers an ideal solution. The tailored diet available from this provider is designed to reduce the risk of these problems while supplying essential fatty acids, proteins, vitamins and minerals. You can also customise the meals to suit your pet's individual needs - including increasing fibre or certain types of fatty acids if required.

What's more, Butternut Box provides nutritional advice from experienced veterinary nutritionists who specialise in canine nutrition so you can be sure your pup is getting all the nutrients they need without compromising on flavour. All orders come with free shipping for added convenience too.

In conclusion, Butternut Box offers a great way to provide a healthy diet that reduces anal gland issues while still ensuring that your pooch gets all the nutrients they need. With tailored meals and helpful advice from experts in the field, you can trust that your pup's dietary requirements are being met, without having to sacrifice taste.