Butternut blog

Stella the dog


Can Dogs Get Norovirus?

Yes, dogs can get norovirus. However, it's extremely rare for transmission to happen from humans to dogs, and vice versa.

Pablo the dog


Can Dogs Get Bird Flu?

Yes, dogs can get bird flu. There are things you can do to minimise their risk of contracting it. If you suspect that they've become infected, consult your vet.

Jack Russell being stroked

Behaviour & Training

Why Do Dogs Like Being Stroked?

Some dogs like being stroked and some do not. If your pooch revels in affection it is likely due to a desire for comfort, stress relief and connection.

Dates for dogs


Can Dogs Eat Dates?

Yes, dogs can eat dates. They are rich in fibre and antioxidants. However, they should only be fed in very small quantities due to their high sugar content.

German Shepherd running


Best Dog Breeds for Canicross

Canicross, a combination of "canine" and "cross country", is a great way for owners and dogs to bond. Some breeds are more well-suited to it than others.

Max the dog


Can Dogs Get Hiccups?

Yes, dogs can get hiccups. Similarly to humans, they usually occur due to eating too quickly, excitement, stress or gastrointestinal issues.

Cucumber for dogs


Can Dogs Eat Cucumber?

Yes, dogs can eat cucumber. It is a low calorie, nutritious snack that they can enjoy. It is also very hydrating and full of fibre.

Loki and Freyja the dogs


Can Dogs Get Asthma?

Yes, dogs can get asthma. If you suspect that your dog is showing symptoms, you should consult your vet immediately. Do not give them a human inhaler.

Gracie the dog and her Butternut Box food


Why Isn't My Dog Eating?

From stress and anxiety, to fussiness and health issues. There's various reasons why your dog may not be eating. It's important to find the cause quickly.

Samson the dog sighing

Behaviour & Training

Why Do Dogs Sigh?

Dogs may sigh for a number of reasons but, unlike humans, it's not always bad. Often, dogs use sighing as a way to convey relaxation and contentment.

Dogs and popcorn


Can Dogs Eat Popcorn?

No, dogs should not eat popcorn. It has little-to-no nutritional benefit and can cause throat irritation or, even worse, choking in dogs.

Timmy the dog tilting his head

Behaviour & Training

Why Do Dogs Tilt Their Heads?

Usually when dogs tilt their head it's their way of communicating with you and expressing curiosity, which explains why it happens when you say walkies.

Dog yawning

Behaviour & Training

Why Do Dogs Yawn?

Like us, dogs man yawn because they're tired. However, they may also yawn due to stress or as a means of expressing comfort and contentment.

Barley the dog

Behaviour & Training

Why Do Dogs Bark?

There are a number of reasons why dogs may bark, such as to gain attention, protect their territory or fear.

Susan the Chihuahua

Behaviour & Training

Why Do Dogs Shake?

Dogs may shake for a number of reasons. It's not always something be be worried about, they may just be nervous or excited.

Tarka lying down

Behaviour & Training

Why Do Dogs Circle Before Lying Down?

Have you noticed that your dog likes to perform a strange circling ritual before they lie down? This is due to ingrained instincts to nest and mark territory.

Rice for dogs


Can Dogs Eat Rice?

Yes, dogs can eat rice. However, it does not provide much nutritional benefit and if given to dogs, should be fed in small quantities.

Conkers for dogs


Are Conkers Poisonous to Dogs?

Yes, conkers are poisonous to dogs. Even small quantities can be fatal, so be sure to consult your vet if you think your dog may have eaten conkers.

Acorns for dogs


Are Acorns Poisonous to Dogs?

Yes, acorns can be poisonous to dogs. If your dog has eaten an acorn, we recommend getting in touch with your vet for advice.

Puppy sitting on lap


How Much Should My Puppy Weigh?

It can be difficult to know whether or not your puppy is growing and developing at a normal rate. Thankfully Butternut Box's vet Dr Bolu, is here to help.

Butternut Box fresh dog food for good gut health


Best Dog Food for Good Gut Health

Choosing a fresh food that is rich in lean protein and fibre is the best way to improve gut health in dogs. Avoid dog food with preservatives and fillers.

Dogs and tomatoes


Can Dogs Eat Tomatoes?

We would not recommend feeding tomatoes to dogs. Tomatoes contain a substance called solanine, which can be harmful to dogs in large quantities.

Hope the dog


Best Food for Large Breeds

Larger dog breeds typically need more calories to sustain their stature and activity levels. This food should be rich in protein and complex carbohydrates.

Protein in our dog food


The Importance of Protein in Dog Food

Protein is the most important part of a dog's diet. It helps to support muscle growth and repair, cell turnover and a strong immune system.

Pasta for dogs


Can Dogs Eat Pasta?

Yes, dogs can eat pasta. As long as it's cooked. However, it doesn't provide much nutritional benefit, a better option would be quinoa or pearl barley.